And then there was Jace…
About a year ago, I switched gears. I’d been working on a follow-up to In the Firelight, focusing on Trinity and her naïveté and her desire to break away from sleepy little Snowcreek to see the world.
But then another story sorta took over. I blame The Killers. Just Another Girl has been turning the wheels in my head for a couple years, really, but other project deadlines kept me from really going there. I’d listen to it now and then and think about the story that could come out of it… long lost love and how those feelings can linger. How a blip on the map of one person can haunt another for years. Decades. Maybe forever.
I had totally blown my deadline for Trinity’s book anyway, so I started making a playlist on Spotify, going through favorite songs with a similar thread. I added Don Henley’s Heart of the Matter , another one that has wrought some serious angst out of me for decades.
"I’m learning to live without you now
But I miss you, baby"
Those lyrics seriously kick ass. The yearning and regret and emotion.
So I finally listened to my gut, setting Trinity aside to let my imagination wander, and then there was Jace... I fell in love.